Contact Details

Roseville College Address

Street Address | 27 Bancroft Avenue, Roseville NSW 2069, Australia
Postal Address | Locked Bag 34, Roseville NSW 2069, Australia
Phone | +61 2 9884 1100
Email | [email protected]
Enrolment enquiries | [email protected]

College Map


Opening Hours

Open Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm
Closed on public holidays and as otherwise advertised.


Head of Enrolments

Tours by appointment only

Phone | +61 2 9884 1109
Email | [email protected]
Enquire onlineOnline form


Construction Enquiries

Feedback and enquiries about the Sport and Wellbeing Centre construction

Phone | +61 2 9884 1100
Email | [email protected]


Uniform Shop

The Uniform Store is open during term time, or visit our Online Store.
Mondays: 8.00am – 4.00pm (Closed 12-12:30pm)
Wednesdays: 8.00am – 4.00pm (Closed 12-12:30pm)
Fridays: 8.00am – 4.00pm (Closed 12-12:30pm)


Student Services

Open Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm (term days)
Closed in school holidays, public holidays, student-free days and as otherwise advertised.

Junior School | +61 2 9884 1167
Email[email protected]


Senior School |+61 2 9884 1130
Email[email protected]



Please report all deliveries to:
Main Reception, 27 Bancroft Avenue, Roseville NSW 2069
Phone | +61 2 9884 1100
Email[email protected]
Open Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm.

Closed on public holidays and as otherwise advertised.



Grounds/Security | BENS on 1300 130 515
For an emergency or to report a break-in at the College, please call ‘000’.


Report a concern

Roseville College is committed to ensuring that all of its students, staff, families and other members of the College community feel safe, act ethically and are treated with courtesy in their interactions with others.

If you have a concern about something, then you can use the form linked below to raise this with us.

This could be in relation to the conduct of a member of our community that you may have witnessed or experienced or in response to a policy or decision of the College.

Feedback through this mechanism can be given anonymously, if you choose.

Report a concern

Enrolling your daughter

at Roseville College